Exam Modalities

General information

  • Type of exam: Multiple-choice questions
  • Number of questions: 40 questions
  • Exam duration: 120 minutes
  • Passing grade or mark: 28/40
  • Method of delivery: Computer-based (online or on-site)

Exam blueprint

The Certification exam assesses the candidate’s knowledge and skills related to the Body of Knowledge and Skills (BOKS). This holistic approach to assessment reflects our commitment to not only meeting regulatory requirements but also cultivating a privacy-focused organizational culture that goes beyond compliance.

Each domain of the BOKS is evaluated based on a specific set of questions. The average number of questions allocated to each domain provides insights into the depth of scrutiny applied, ensuring a thorough and comprehensive assessment. Specifically,

  • Domain A (European Data Protection Legislation) is weighted at 60%, meaning the exam will include 24 questions on this domain;
  • Domain B (Compliance Mechanisms) is weighted at 15%, corresponding to 6 questions;
  • Domain C (Information Security) is weighted at 10%, corresponding to 4 questions;
  • Domain D (Action Plan – How) is weighted at 10%, corresponding to 4 questions; and
  • Domain E (Privacy Culture) is weighted at 5%, corresponding to 2 questions.
Training domains

How to prepare for the exam

If you are planning to take the EADPP Certification exam, it is important to start your preparation early. The exam assesses your knowledge and understanding of privacy concepts, principles, and practices as outlined in the Privacy Enablers’ Body of Knowledge and Skills (BOKS) developed for the Certification program. Therefore, you need to ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the topics of the Privacy Enablers’ BOKS before taking the exam.

There are multiple ways to prepare for the EADPP Certification exam:

  • The first and most obvious is to review the content of the Privacy Enablers’ BOKS. This will help you to understand the scope and depth of the material that will be tested on the exam. You should study each of the domains of the BOKS and familiarize yourself with the concepts, principles, and practices described in each domain;
  • In addition to the resources provided by EADPP, you may want to review other resources such as books, articles, and web content to supplement your understanding of the material. You should ensure that the resources you use are up-to-date and relevant to the certification program; and
  • Participating in a training with Privacy Enablers’ Acknowledged Training Partners is an excellent way to prepare for the exam. Their training programs provide a structured approach to learning the material and can help you to identify areas where you may need additional study. You should ensure that the training program you choose is designed specifically for the EADPP Certification exam and covers all of the domains in the Privacy Enablers’ BOKS.


Download the EADPP Certification Syllabus to get an overview of the content of the Certification exam.

Candidate handbook

Download the Candidate Handbookdesigned for EADPP Certification candidates, to assist them in better preparing for the exam.

Book your exam now!

The EADPP Certification exam is provided through our partner, YouCap. By clicking the button below, you will be redirected to the booking platform.

You can review the Terms and Conditions of bookings by clicking here.