Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Welcome to our FAQ page, where we aim to address common queries and provide you with essential information about the EADPP Certification for Data Protection Professionals. 

Before diving into the frequently asked questions, we encourage you to explore our Syllabus and Candidate Handbook, available for download here. These comprehensive resources contain detailed information about the exam registration process, candidate rules and guidelines, permanent education program, and other crucial details.

The EADPP Certified Data Protection Professional (CDPP) certification provides a European viewpoint and goes beyond a mere comprehension of GDPR legislation. In essence, while other certifications address the “what” of GDPR legislation, the content of the EADPP certification also delves into the “how” of its implementation.

Approval or accreditation is neither possible nor necessary. The knowledge and skills required for certification have been meticulously developed by Privacy Enablers and endorsed by members of EADPP in a bottom-up way. The certification scheme is outlined in the Body of Knowledge and Skills (BOKS) and fully described in the syllabus. This certification scheme goes beyond the minimum legal knowledge mandated by the GDPR.

The Certification exam assesses the candidate’s knowledge and skills related to the Body of Knowledge and Skills (BOKS). This holistic approach to assessment reflects our commitment to not only meeting regulatory requirements but also cultivating a privacy-focused organizational culture that goes beyond compliance.

Each domain of the BOKS is evaluated based on a specific set of questions. Find out more about the exam blueprint and the question weighting here.

EADPP Certification exams can be purchased at any time through the Privacy Enablers and EADPP websites. You will receive a confirmation email from YouCap, our exam proctor, when your exam is successfully booked.

Please consult the Candidate Handbook for all up-to-date information on cancellations, rescheduling and no-shows.

Your exam fee covers:

  • One exam;
  • EADPP certificate valid for three (3) years from the date of successful completion of the exam;
  • EADPP membership for one (1) year from the date of successful completion of the exam; and
  • Certification Maintenance Fee for three (3) years from the date of successful completion of the exam.

Currently, only online exams are provided. Online exams are available through YouCap’s online booking platform. Online exams are available for completion throughout the workweek, from Monday to Friday, between 8:00am and 6:00pm UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

At present, exclusively online exams are available. Nevertheless, we are actively exploring various options to introduce on-site exams in the near future.

The EADPP Certification exam is currently only available in English.

Upon successfully passing the exam, your certificate will be sent to you by email within one (1) weeks’ time.

After succesfully passing the EADPP certification exam, you will be certified for a period of three (3) years.

By continuously showing your professionalism through ongoing education during this three-year period, you can renew your certificate every three years.


  • If you do not meet the Permanent Education requirements, your certificate will expire and you will need to retake the exam to regain certification.
  • If you meet the Permanent Education requirements, you need to remit the Certification Maintenance Fee (CMF) in order to maintain your certified status.

Yes, you are allowed to publish this seal under one condition: you must possess a valid EADPP CDPP certificate.

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Upon successfully passing the EADPP certification exam, you are entitled to one year (1) of free membership with the European Association of Data Protection Professionals (EADPP). To activate your membership, please follow these steps:
  • If you have already registered an account (or think you might have), or if you are an existing member, please email [email protected]
  • To become a member, first you must register an account here, then email [email protected]
Email [email protected] with the following information:
  • Date you took the exam
  • Certificate ID code
  • Your EADPP account username

The EADPP team will update and/or convert your account to full membership status, valid for one (1) year from the exam date.

Didn’t find your answer? Contact us here.