Assessment of Inadequate Handling of Data Access Requests Across Europe

On the eve of Data Protection Day 2025, an insightful study by the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) has revealed significant issues in how organizations handle access requests. As data protection professionals and privacy experts, it is crucial to understand the implications of these findings, which highlighted the frequent mishandling of such requests across various sectors.

Key Findings:

– Lack of Standard Procedures: A common issue identified is the absence of standardized procedures for processing access requests. This results in inconsistent handling and contributes to the problem where some organizations unjustifiably deny requests, or impose unnecessary barriers such as demanding ID verification without cause.
– Dutch Response: In the Netherlands, the study found that 30 percent of organizations lack standardized procedures for access requests. Additionally, 20 percent wrongly delegate this responsibility to their Data Protection Officers (DPOs), contradicting best practices as DPOs should remain neutral and, critically, not self-monitor when complaints arise.
– Sectoral and Organizational Differences: The report noted significant discrepancies between sectors. Some sectors, governed by specific regulations, exhibited better compliance with access rights protocols. Larger organizations or those with frequent access request activities typically showed more robust processes.

Positive Outcomes and Best Practices:

Despite the shortcomings, the EDPB report also highlighted organizations excelling in GDPR compliance concerning access requests. Noteworthy examples include those enabling users to easily submit access requests through online forms or offering direct downloads of personal data, simplifying the process significantly for individuals.


The findings emphasize the need for organizations to adopt comprehensive and coherent strategies for managing access requests. Regular monitoring and audit of these processes could help ensure compliance and effectiveness. Moreover, upcoming studies by the EDPB, such as the 2025 examination of data erasure rights, present further opportunities to enhance privacy practices across the continent.

To delve deeper into the study and its practical applications, access the full report from the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.

Original source link: [Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens](