Understanding the Privacy Risks of Cookies: A New Campaign by the Dutch Data Protection Authority

The rising concern over data privacy has prompted the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (AP), or Dutch Data Protection Authority, to launch a new campaign focusing on the privacy risks associated with cookies. This two-week initiative, titled “How Are You Being Profiled,” aims to illuminate the often overlooked consequences of cookie usage. This message will resonate through radio […]

Engaging with Digital Rights: Your Contribution to Shaping Europe’s Digital Future

As data protection professionals and privacy experts, our role in safeguarding digital rights is paramount. In line with the European Commission’s ongoing efforts to uphold EU Digital Rights and Principles, a survey has been initiated to garner insights from various stakeholders, including civil societies, consumer advocates, and industry leaders. Participation in this survey is crucial, […]

Surveillance in the Modern Workplace: The Impact of AI-Driven Monitoring

As data protection professionals, we are acutely aware of the evolving challenge presented by AI-driven employee monitoring technologies. A recent viral Reddit post has brought this issue to the forefront, discussing how sophisticated employee monitoring software is now capable of tracking minute details such as 30-second breaks and issuing alerts for perceived productivity gaps. Key […]

Celebrating 40 Years of Privacy Evolution: A Retrospective by ICO

### Celebrating 40 Years of Privacy Evolution: A Retrospective by ICO As data protection professionals, we recognize the profound impact privacy rights have on our society. Navigating this evolving landscape is essential, especially as we mark 40 years since the establishment of the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The ICO’s digital exhibition, “Our Lives, Our Privacy,” […]