Register of EADPP Certified Data Protection Professionals

The Register of EADPP Certified Data Protection Professionals is globally recognized as the singular repository for all individuals who have successfully completed the EADPP CDPP exam.
Certified professionals are responsible for keeping their registration details up to date within the EADPP CDPP certification database. This includes providing information such as email addresses and submitting earned Permanent Education (PE) credits required for EADPP CDPP certificate renewal.
The significance of this Registry lies in its ability to enable EADPP CDPP certificate holders to independently demonstrate their acquired privacy and data protection knowledge and expertise, as mandated by the EADPP CDPP certification. This evidence can be presented to prospective employers, integrity officers representing employers, or clients.
Although the current functionality of the Register is somewhat limited, efforts are underway to enable EADPP CDPP certified professionals to log in, verify the status of submitted Permanent Education (PE) credits, and make payments for the Certification Maintenance Fee (CMF).
Submit PE credits
Are you an EADPP Certified Data Protection Professional (CDPP) looking to submit PE credits? Click here to get started.